The Beginning


The beginning is always the hardest - whether you're writing a book, staring a blank canvas, or walking in the front door with your first born because the hospital actually sent you home with a human. You may be asking yourself (like I am right now). "What am I doing?" "Where do I go from here?"

If I'm being honest, I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm not 100% sure what "flourishing" looks like to me. So before you go on thinking I've got it all together - let's get one thing straight, Sister, I'm figuring it all out as we speak. Somedays my house is clean, my laundry is folded, my children don't have dirt under their fingernails and dinner is cooking in the oven. Other days, I am a sinking ship - shoveling water out as fast as I can, but going down faster than I can throw the water only to have 10 times more come rushing in. 

I have 3 boys. I own a photography business. I sell haircare. A part of me knows I'm a little insane starting up a blog - but something in me told me this needed to exist. The best way I can describe it is as if there's this tiny little ember, so small you can barely see it lit in the dark. And I need to blow oxygen on it. That's it. That's all I know at this point. My hope is that maybe if you're reading this, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You have an ember too. You have no idea what it means, but all you know is that you need to blow oxygen on it. You need to start your fire. So let's do this together. Let's create a group of women that love, encourage and support each other.

Hear me. This does not mean add another thing to your already packed schedule. This little corner of the inter webs that you've stumbled upon is NOT saying, "Girl, you're really good at spinning all those plates at once let me toss another one at you and see how you handle it." ButI think you have a dream too, one that goes beyond what your currently doing. Or maybe you ARE working towards that dream - and you need someone to say "keep going, friend. keep going." 

Maybe to you flourishing looks like empowering yourself to reach an income you never dreamed of; Maybe it's starting your dream job - the one that scares you to death.  Maybe it means being more creative or killing it as a Mom today. Maybe right this second, it means drinking your morning cup of coffee without reheating in the microwave (not even once! Boom.) I don't know what it looks like, but somewhere in the deepest part of your heart there's a little glowing ember ready to be fanned. Let's fan our flames together. Can you imagine the wildfire if all of us are living in our True Identity??

Girl, Let's Flourish.


Creating a Happy Home