Community: When grace steps in

community and friendship

Best friends for ever and ever. I remember signing notes like that in middle school. You read that right: signing notes in middle school. A long, long time ago. We didn't have phones, texting didn't exist, in fact AOL dial-up was just on the horizon. So we wrote with pens (preferably blue, in my case) and would fold them up origami style with a little tab that stuck out saying "pull here". 

But it wasn't until long after middle school that I met the friends that last forever. Even from college I only have a sprinkling of friends that have made it through the sifting of life - jobs and marriage, moves and kids - that cause everyone to fall in different directions after you leave the bubble that you all live in together for 4 years. 

Today I'm talking about something that goes deeper than friendship. I'm talking about Community. I think it is in this place that God teaches us most about himself. About who He is, what He does and how He loves. These are the people that are around you day after day - until eventually those days turn into years. These are the people that you can hand your baby off to without asking so you can chase the toddler. They are the people that drop all plans to get chips and salsa and margaritas when the day has left you depressed. You know their story. You know their heart. You know where their silverware drawer is. They are the people that you truly live life with. They know your biggest mistakes and ugliest places and yet they love you still. 

But finding these people takes courage. It takes a lot of vulnerability to show someone your imperfect, messy side. It takes a lot of courage to let people in on the parts of life that aren't pretty: divorce, anger, deceit, death, doubt. But this is where Community steps in - just like Jesus. This is were it gets beautiful - right along the line that it feels like everything will give way. 

I once spilled coffee in my friend's purse. Her brand new Louis Vuitton Handbag. I'm not talking a little dribble. I'm talking my full cup of coffee was laying on its side inside her purse. My friend, Elyse, is the kind of person everyone wants in a friend. She is extroverted and incredibly funny. She makes everyone feel welcome and comfortable in her presence. We were still fairly new in our friendship and I knew the minute I ruined her purse she would be done with it. But thankfully, Elyse also carries grace and mercy beyond her years. And just when I thought the ruining of her purse ruined our friendship, just when I thought our friendship would give way, she laughed it off. (thankfully the purse was, in fact, not ruined and she still carries it to this day). And since then she has brought me flowers when my heart was broken by miscarriage, and meals to celebrate when we did have a baby. We workout together and vacation together. We drink wine together and discuss the bible. Just when I thought a big fat mess of coffee would ruin us - Grace stepped in and friendship flourished. That's Community.

Your community is full of people that allow you to flourish; regardless of your quirks, your mistakes, your blemishes - or spilling coffee in designer handbags.  


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