Carrying the name

mothers day girl flourish

Sunday is Mother's Day. A day full of flowers, handmade gifts and cards, pictures posted to social media with your hands full of the people that look most like you. A day of gratitude.

But more importantly. Sunday is Mother's Day: The reminder of what being Mom means to you and the meaning behind carrying the name.

MOM: a small simple word that we hear everyday, but that word carries the weight of the world doesn't it? The weight of your world.

Maybe your definition of Mom is exhausted: you give and you give and you give and just when it's time to sit for a minute on the couch in silence, the baby wakes up and you find more of yourself to give. Keep carrying the strength.

Maybe your definition of Mom is advocate. You see what no one else does. You fight for her like no one else fights. You worry all night and Google for answers during the day. Keep carrying the fight.

Maybe your definition of Mom is letting go. The days of little hand prints on the windows are long gone and the never ending question of "why" ended years ago. Their childhood is behind them and their whole world is in front of them. The house is quieter and the vacuum lines actually stay in the carpet now. You still hold them , they just don't fit on your shoulders anymore. Keep carrying them.

Maybe being Mom to you came too early. You felt the anxiety in your heart of, "Oh no. I'm not ready for this." And then felt the guilt for thinking it. You swore off motherhood, yet here you are. A baby on your hip and worry in your heart that you had more to do first. Keep carrying the dream.

Or maybe being called Mom hasn't come soon enough. You are exhausted from tears and prayers and doctor visits and needles. Only to hear "no" over and over and over again. You long to hear "mommy" but fear it will be a title always given to another. He sees your dream. Keep carrying the hope.

Maybe motherhood means loss. The fear of forgetting her voice because you can't call her anymore to vent about the mundane things only she will listen to. You miss her.

Or loss for the baby who's face you never got to see or who's cry you never comfort. Keep carrying the memory.

As women we were created to carry the capacity of all the definitions that come with the word mom.




sharer of secrets and encourager of hearts.

The keeper of the snacks and the only one in the house that seems to know where everyone's shoes are.

Regardless of your definition of mom this year, you are a woman that carries the example of love.


Outside the comfort zone